Wordpress Themes & Work

Move the cursor over and around the app thumbs. Click to open link to app/site!

Wordpress 2024 DefaultTheme

This is for my guitar and wide ranging experience of music in different genres. Now if you really know what you are doing as a web developer I believe you don't need to look far past this theme to create whatever is required. Hello!

Custom Wordpress Theme

Custom wordpress blog theme, gulp tooling for css and javascript assets.

Bows And Ties

An offshoot of my bigger store blazingbargains.co.uk using ECWID as an alternative to Woocommerce. Theme built on my own as all css additions.

Snooker Stars
Custom theme built Advanced Custom Fields and Custom Post Types

Blazing Bargains UK
Built with wordpress, elementor and Aliexpress. Over 3400 instagram follows!

Guttenberg Recipes
Many advanced wordpress custom features here - plugin development - advanced search.

Travel Theme
Custom theme - with ACFs

Travel Blog Theme
Custom theme - with ACFs

Custom Gym Theme
Many back end plugins used here for this custom gym theme.

Legal Template
One of many set up for all kinds of professions and trades.

Alan Blueheart Guitarist
Guitar theme