PHP &Laravel Apps

Move the cursor over and around the app thumbs. Click to open link to app!
UX/UI Coding, Graphics and Databases

Laravel Portfolio
Laravel Portfolio Blog site

Elegant laravel backend cms admin area for the bootstrap and custom css built frontend.

Laravel Jobboard site
Laravel Jobboard CRUD app

Nested components, filters and security policies fullstack TALL app

Livewire Opinion Polls

Tall Stack Tailwind Livewire Laravel

Laravel Livewire V2 realtime poll app

Realtime update opinion poll laravel livewire V2 app

Laravel Events API
Events, Users and Attendees api

A very professional api with policies and gates and I could build whatever you want!

Alan's Studio Vids
Alan's Music Videos

Php, pdo mysql, jquery ajax. Login with guest guest.

Alan's Audio
my mp3s of home recordings of myself playing guitar

A work in progress, and I don't really have the peace of mind to spend time with music software right now!

ecommerce site

Lite weight custom built ecommerce php site. Paypal checkout. Fully functional, backend administration and highly scalable.

Job notification app

Vanilla php framework, crud app where I can list the notifications sent to me. Tailwind css on the front.

Guitar Technique App
Back issues of GT Magazine from 2010 to 2020

Built with LARAVEL/MYSQL and Bootstrap 4. Updated Nov 2023 to latest version of laravel.

Job Search
Laravel/React jobsearch api app. Redeployed to Heroku 2022.

Recommended Reading App
Laravel/React google books api app.